BCHS Baking Club
Members of this club will be making new and different desserts and, of course, enjoying them, sharing them, or selling them to raise money to buy new equipment, chosen by the club members, for the kitchen. During the school year we will start by meeting two Saturdays a month, except for December and June. During our gathering, the students get about three hours to experiment with various recipes and get to know fellow students in various grade levels from 7-11. We will be hosting a bake sale at school on October 31, 2017 from 11:15-12:00pm. Next gathering will be on November 4th at 1pm at BCHS!
Josten’s Grad Rings
Grad rings will be on display at lunch time onWednesday, November 8 in the foyer. Parents are welcome to stop by and view the display from 6:30 – 7:30 that same evening. The rings will again be on display at lunchtime only on Thursday, November 9. A $60 deposit is required upon order.
LestWe Forget – Remembrance Day Ceremony
On Thursday, November 9, the students at BCHS will be participating in a Remembrance Day Ceremony beginning at 1 pm. Students are encouraged to dress up for this ceremony. Poppies will be available prior to that time. Thank you for your donations.
Band Notes
The BCHS Senior and Gr 9 bands are looking forward to being part of the community Remembrance Day Ceremony on Saturday, November 11. The next public performance for all BCHS music students will be on Tuesday, December 12 for the Winter Band Concert. Admission to this event will be a food bank donation. More information will follow in the December newsletter.
Magazine Fundraiser
Thank you for supporting our QSP magazine fundraiser which was very successful. The main campaign has concluded but you can still support the school all year long by purchasing your new, renewal and gift subscriptions online. Simply go to www.QSP.ca, click on SHOP NOW and use our online ID 3693074. If you have any questions regarding your magazine subscriptions, please call QSP customer service toll free at 1-800-667-2536 or e-mail customerservice@qsp.ca for assistance.
Early Dismissal
Our next early dismissal day will be Wednesday, November 29. Classes will dismiss at 2:17 pm.
November 10-13 – Remembrance Day Break – No School
November 20 – PD Day – No School
November 27 – School Parent Council Meeting
November 29 – Early Dismissal Day
December 7 – Grad Handshake Photos – Block 1
December 12 – Winter Band Concert
December 21 – Last day of School before break
December 22 – January 7, 2018, Inclusive – Christmas Break
January 8 – Classes Resume
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the school’s operation, please contact Mr. Kaplan (Principal), Mr. Raju (Associate Principal) or Mrs. Assenheimer (Associate Principal) at 780-674-8522. If you have any questions about your child’s class(es), please contact the teacher.