In order to keep in line with government requirements to restrict large gatherings, we will allow students to collect materials using the schedule below. Entry is based on last name. Expect to be in the building for no more than 10 min per child. The school is open from 8:30am-4:00pm.
Student Material Collection Schedule:
A-K in the morning on Wednesday, March 18
L-Z in the afternoon on Wednesday, March 18
L-Z in the morning on Thursday, March 19
A-K in the afternoon on Thursday, March 19
Please understand that we need to limit the number of people in the building at one time, so you may be asked to wait outside if it is a busy time.
Anyone coming to the school must wash their hands when they enter and when they leave.
Students are to collect all materials from their lockers. Bring any bags you may need to carry your materials home. Lockers will be disinfected during the Spring Break.
Keep school materials in a location in your home where you can use them as needed. We are hopeful that students will return to classes before the school year ends, but we are also preparing for students to be at home for the rest of the school year. We ask that you also be prepared for both of these situations.
Remember, all textbooks or other books signed out to your child will need to be returned to the school at the end of June. You will be charged for any materials not returned.
If you have any symptoms of sickness, or if you have traveled out of the country in the last 14 days, do not come to the school. Please contact the office to arrange a time to come and pick up things after Spring Break, or to tell us whom you would like to have come to pick up your stuff.
If the times above do not work for you, please contact the office and we will find an alternate time for your child to come in.
If further restrictions are put in place by Alberta Health, the above information may change.