Barrhead Composite High School has developed a school community approach with presentation of the student awards in front of their peers. The grade 12 students who graduated in June received their certificates at the grad ceremony. The google slides sharing the award recipients for junior high and senior high are posted below.
We are so proud of our students who have worked hard to maintain academic excellence. Thank you for your perseverance and dedication!
Congratulations to all award recipients!!
On Thursday October 19th, our current grade 8-12 students will receive awards according to the following schedule:
Sr High Awards (current grades 11’s and 12’s) will be called to the East Gym after taking attendance during 3rd block and the presentation will start at 12:40 pm approximately.
Jr High Awards (current grades 8, 9, and 10’s) will be called to the East Gym starting at 1:15 pm. The presentation will start at 1:30 pm approximately. Grade 7 students will also be invited to attend so that they can see what they are working towards this school year.
We have not sent out invitations to the students. Please check the google presentations below for the names of the recipients.
Parents are more than welcome to attend the ceremony if they are able. There is no live stream link this year. If there are any questions, please contact the school office.
BCHS Junior High School Awards 2022-2023
BCHS Senior High School Awards 2022-2023