Barrhead Composite High School
September Newsletter
Welcome Back
Welcome to the 2017-18 school year!We are looking forward to a productive year with so many great students joining us! Classes begin at 8:55 am on Monday to Thursday inclusive, and on Friday at 9:30 am. Students who arrive before 9:30 am on Fridays will have a supervised space available for them. Classes dismiss at 3:19 pm each day. At BCHS we welcome and encourage parents and community members to visit our school. Please check in at the office when you arrive.
High School Redesign
We hope that everyone had a great summer and start to the school year! While we caught as much rest as possible ourselves, we also eagerly prepared for this year’s exciting school year. As you have heard, our High School Redesign work and Flex periods, where we put the learning in the hands of the students, were very successful last year. For the coming year we have tweaked the Flex periods a little. First, by changing the name to Extended Learning Time (ELT) and secondly, we have changed some of the structures around it. More details will follow later.
Thank you for supporting your children and the school in achieving the best education we can for them. We are fully committed to your children’s success.
School Expectations
The school handbook details many of the structures, procedures and rules of BCHS. Your child was provided with a copy on the first day of school. Please spend some time reviewing its content with your child. The general expectation of everyone at BCHS is that we shall all be respectful, attend school and classes on time, do our best at all times and be reasonable – we are a learning community!
Students are welcome to participate in the many extracurricular activities available at BCHS as long as they are adhering to all these expectations.
BCHS Open House – Make the Connection Night
Rather than two evenings of Parent Teacher Interviews in October this year, we will host 1 night in October. This year we will host a BCHS Open House on Thursday, September 14 in conjunction with the “Make the Connection” evening hosted by the Town of Barrhead. We are very pleased to be a part of the “Make the Connection” event as it will be hosted here at the school. It will allow students and families the opportunity to tour the school, meet teachers and staff, while gathering their “Make the Connection” information.
School Fees
Starting the 2017-18 school year, parents are no longer required to pay instructional materials fees. Schools will however continue to charge fees for enhanced educational services and non-curricular activities; for example field trips, resale supplies, milk programs, hot lunch programs, sports teams, clubs, etc.
We strongly encourage parents to use School Cash Online to pay for their child’s fees. It’s fast, simple and secure. It’s a great way to pay without the need for cash or checks. It takes less than 5 minutes to register. Once you have registered your child, you will be able to see when they have a new item posted online for purchase. You also have the option to be notified when your child has a new school expense due, so you don’t have to worry about missing the deadline. Register today!
BCHS Music Program
Band Parent Information Night and the Band Boosters Annual General Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 12 at 7:00 pm in the Band Room. All band families are encouraged to attend, especially if you are new to band. You could win the draw to have your instrument rental paid! Mrs. Kostiw looks forward to seeing you!
Band Chocolate Fundraiser begins September 12!
Grad Photos
Barrhead Composite is the only high school in the province where the photography students do the grad photos! Sittings will start on Oct 2 and go until Nov 30. Grads should get an appointment card and an information brochure from their student photographer by Thursday, Sept 21. If you have any ideas of what you would like, please communicate that to your student photographer.
Go to for more information as well as examples of past photo shoots, and a copy of the brochure.
Early Dismissal
Our first early dismissal day of this school year will be Wednesday, September 27. Classes will dismiss at 2:19
Junior High Volleyball
Sr. Tryouts – Tuesday, Sept 5: 3:30 – 5:00
Sr. Coaches: Boys: Mr. Geinger Girls: Ms. Frose
Jr. (Gr. 7 & 8) Practice –Wednesday, Sept 6: 3:30 – 5:00
*Gr 7-8 Does not have cuts – Grade 7 ∓ 8 Players still trying out for Sr. team are welcome to come out to Jr. Practices
Jr. Coaches: Boys: Mr. Klein Girls: Ms. Hutchinson
Jr. Team Practices Monday & Wednesdays
Sr. Team Practices Tuesdays and Thursdays.
School Council Meeting
The School Parent Council is the representative voice for parents of students at BCHS. We value parental input and advice. The first meeting of the 2017 -2018 school year is scheduled for Monday, September 25 at 7:00 pm in the school library. Please join us!
“Kids Plus”Accident Insurance
Parents have the opportunity to voluntarily purchase student accident insurance through the “kids Plus” Accident Insurance program underwritten by Industrial Insurance and Financial Services Inc. For more information or to apply online, please visit or call the client service line toll free at 1-800-556-7411.
Career Fair & School Expo
On behalf of Pembina Hills Public Schools, R.F. Staples Jr/Sr High School inWestlock will be hosting the 2017 Career Fair and School Expo. These events will take place on Monday, September 25. Grade 9-12 BCHS students will be bussed to the event. More information and permission forms will follow. This expo is open to the public.
Fall Natural Sciences Field Camp
The Fall Natural Sciences Field Camp is taking place from September 28 to October 1, 2017 at the Black Cat Ranch just outside of Jasper National Park. Students will have fun while gaining hands-on experiential learning with experts in the field and gain three (3) high school credits. Accommodations will be provided on-site at the Black Cat Ranch and transportation is provided from BCHS. The cost of most meals is included in the camp fee of $200. Upon successful completion of all course work and assignments $50 of the fee is refundable. Please contact Mrs. McGinn for more details!
Student Recognition
Please join us on Friday, September 29, 2017 to recognize the achievements of our students from the 2016-17 school year. The awards evening will be a combined event to celebrate the accomplishments of both the Junior and Senior students. The evening will begin at 6:30 pm to recognize the Junior High Students, followed by a short intermission, with the Senior High program beginning at 7:45 pm. Students who will be recipients of an award will receive an invitation to the ceremony. The general public is welcome to attend. We wish to thank the community in advance for supporting and acknowledging the accomplishments of our students.
Hunter Education Workshop
A Hunter Education Workshop will be held at BCHS on Saturday and Sunday, September 23 and 24. Students from BCHS who are interested in Hunter Education should call Carly at Blue Heron for registration information and costs at 674-4944. High school students may get high school credit for participating in this program.
Monthly Reporting
Students will be provided monthly progress reports/updates during the school year which will be available online through PowerSchool. Marks will be updated regularly on the PowerSchool website. Teachers may also be contacting parents via e-mail or telephone. Although there are formal parent/teacher interview dates scheduled during the school year, meeting with your child’s teachers may be scheduled at other times as well. Please telephone the school to schedule a meeting with your child’s teachers as needed.