The Junior Forest Ranger (JFR) program offers a unique and exciting opportunity to Albertan high school students ages 16 to 18.
This 7-week paid summer work experience exposes you to a wide variety of careers in forestry, wildfire, ecology, conservation and more!
JFR is a provincially run program under the Ministry of Forestry and Parks. We have up to 9 crews stationed in the 10 different forest areas across the province. Each crew consists of a Crew Leader, Sub Leader, and 6 Crew Members. Our crews live on an Alberta Wildfire base, and every day they take part in a wide variety of hands-on work projects and educational opportunities. Learn more here.
All applicants must be:
- 16 to 18 years of age as of July 1
- A full-time Albertan student enrolled in grade 10 -12 at the time of application (you can still apply if you are graduating in June)
- Interested in forestry, wildfire operations, wildlife biology, environmental science or stewardship
- Involved in community, school athletics, student council or volunteer services
- In good physical condition. There is a minimum fitness standard that is part of the screening process.
- Available for a 5-day overnight training program, starting in the first week of July
- Prepared to live and work in the outdoors for 7 weeks. Many crews live and work in rural and semi remote locations throughout the summer.
Learn more about applying for a crew member position on their applications page.